We provide the right solution for any damping application.
Trelleborg Damping Solutions has been a leader in damping technology for more than 30 years, with a wealth of experience in the automotive industry as well as every other area in which this technology is used.

Noise Radiation
Noise radiation from structures is the effect of transmission of vibrations to the surrounding air creating audible sound pressure. Noise radiation can be reduced by following three methods or the combination of:
- Structural Damping
- Encapsulation of radiating surfaces
- Reduction of surface velocity
Structural damping is the process of absorbing vibration energy in structures. All structures, regardless of design and materials, exposed to a dynamic force may affected by vibrations and
or radiation of noise.
Material loss coefficient is a material parameter that defines the ability of materials to absorb vibrating energy. By use of metal-to-polymer materials having a high loss coefficient it is possible to reduce vibrations in structures significantly, this is called Structural Damping.
Vibration Isolation
Vibration isolation is the process of isolating a structure from the source of vibration.By use of metal-to-polymer materials having a high isolation ability it is possible to effectively isolate the structure from source the of vibrations.
Noise encapsulation
Noise encapsulation is an effective method in preventing noise radiation from structures.
By use of metal-to-polymer materials shape formed to encapsulate the surface of the structure there by preventing transmission of noise to surrounding air.
From start to finish
We engineer, prototype, validate and produce an optimized solution that our customers can rely on.